The use of the STAR Transit translation software tool goes hand in hand with our responsibility for professional and high-quality translations. All tools are used sensibly and to ensure quality. As one of the leading language service providers, we always guarantee you the best results in top quality while using innovative and professional auxiliary tools, such as the STAR Transit translation software.

Reliably deduce context

The context of a text is elementary for deducing and understanding all content in a high-quality translation. The STAR Transit translation software therefore refrains from sentence-based databases and obtains the context of the document. Thus, our specialist translators can also deduce complex content. Quality risks which can be caused by lacking or wrong context are therefore eliminated.

The function of linking text passages in the source and the target document enables our translators to view the context of the respective suggestions and hence more easily grasp the content of the text. Moreover, the connection of the context to the reference material ensures that the specialist translator chooses the recurring terms and phrases relevant for the respective context. Thereby, also the consistency and quality of follow-up projects is secured.

Consistent wording thanks to translation memory

The translation memory technology (TM) processes and saves language pairs, same technical terms and phrases which are then directly suggested during the further translation process. The translation memory function can be specifically and efficiently used to secure the terminology, it manages the terms and, in addition to guaranteeing the highest linguistic quality, also ensures a consistent use of your corporate identity.

With the translation memory technology of the STAR Transit translation software, we also have the possibility to automate recurring translations in order to make our translation processes more efficient and save costs.

Benefits we share with you

  • Shorter time-to-market phases for global product communication
  • Cost efficiency
  • Better quality of the translation memory
  • Processing of all common file formats
  • High consistency in terminology with dynamic context linking
  • Concordance search for similar terms and sentence parts
  • Integrated web search
  • Configurable limitation of text lengths
  • Quality management
  • Transparent and clear project administration
  • Networked teamwork
  • Integration into the workflow
  • Support of interchange formats, such as TMX/TBX/XLIFF/MARTIF

We secure your corporate wording   

Our translators and terminology experts can specifically and optimally manage all subject- and company-specific phrases and terms with the STAR Transit translation software. All terminology entries are registered in a type of company-internal dictionary and interactively shown with each of your translations. Thus, this reliable tool enables us optimal management, as well as consistent use of your individual terminology. Thereby, we not only guarantee you a consistent communication but also your corporate identity across all channels.

We sharpen your company identity

We are your partner for your translation projects – reliable and professional. We guarantee you top quality and complete satisfaction with respect to all your projects. Benefit from our experience and our versatile range of services. Simply use our request form for an initial contact. Should you need further information or individual advice, please call our team and we will be glad to help.

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  • UniCredit
  • Orafol
  • Accerol Mittal
  • GSK
  • Thyssen Krupp

Customers about us

Tilti steht uns seit 2012 als Partner für technische und juristische Übersetzungen in eine Vielzahl europäischer Sprachen kompetent zur Seite. Das Team scheut keine Mühen, um eine einwandfreie Qualität und eine rasche Lieferung sicherzustellen. Gern empfehlen wir Tilti weiter!

Geschäftsführer Swedex Industrieprodukte

We about ourselves

Im Team herrscht immer eine positive Stimmung und Einstellung. Für Projekte mit wichtigen französischen Kunden verantwortlich zu sein, ist eine bereichernde Herausforderung für mich.

Cyril Client Services France

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